Friday 6 January 2012

The inbetweeners movie.

Genre: Comedy
Overview: Four socially troubled 18 year olds from the south of England go on holiday to Malia

Director(s): Ben Palmer
Production company/companies:Bwark production & Young films.
Any other companies involved: Film 4 (funding)
When was this realeased? Is this a significant time? 17th of August 2011. Yes this is a significant time as it's the time when most people are going on holiday.
How many screens was it shown on here and the USA? In the uk there was 475 screens.
Trailer- This trailer shows a funny film from the begining. It also shows regular 18 year olds on a first boys holiday. I Think this trailer was very successful because when you watch it you instantly want to know what else is going to happen. Also it must have been successful as there was so many tickets sold.Trailer - what sort of narrative expectations do you develop?  How successful do you consider the trailer to be?  Look at the full length trailer and the teaser trailer if there is one.
The film is a happy funny sort of film it makes the viewers realise the comedy in the film. Also it shows how teenagers are on holiday. Is very successful as it shows clips from the film from the beginning of the film to the end. Gives the viewer better idea of whats actually going to happen on the film. The trailer highlights the funny parts to make viewers want to go watch it.
Poster campaign (again, might include a teaser poster with ltd information) - how does it sell the film?  Consider the mise en scene and information given
consider the use of the internet in the marketing of the film - what sort of things were
It sells the film by putting punchlines which makes you want to watch it and know what is means such as 'the summer 4 boys become men' this makes you want to watch it and find out how they have became men. Also it highlights the main cast in the film. Its all in bright colours so it stands out.

Was/Is there any merchandise available alongside the film, or promos in the way of things like happy meals/giveaways/competitions
There was a soundtrack CD to go with the film.

was there a soundtrack?  Is there any significance/relationship to who the artist is or what the song is?
Sean kingston- party all night is the soundtrack, There is significance to the song and film because the song links with a typical boys holiday.

who are the audience, what are their needs and how have they been targetted?
The audience is 15+ and they have been targetted perfectly as the film was based at college on the first bit of the film this relates to most of the audience. Also a lot of the audience will have gone on holidays with just friends and be able to relate to the way they go on. Also because of the comedy in this film it will relate to the audience.

what was the commercial (i.e. $ + £) and critical success (reviewers responses) of the film?

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